Sunday, April 20, 2008

Finished String Bag

Finished String Bag
Originally uploaded by
O' I finally finished! I ended up buying a new set of hooks so I could finish. My hand was actually going completely numb. I think it had a lot to do with the hook I was using. The new hook worked really well. I was able to purchase them at Walmart.

Provocraft Ergonomic Handles and Crochet Hooks.


rich said...

that looks great! we really should start a knitting club at the library.

acaraninlan said...

Thanks, Rich. This was made specifically for JPB. She will need it to go to the market in London.
We have a group, you should join. It's called Stitch and Bitch or S&B on Tuesdays at 12:00 or 1:00, depending on the day. We meet in the Staff Room or the Tech Deck, depending on the weather. It is knitting, crocheting, and anything else crafty. And you don't have to be a chick, we like guys too. I am trying to talk Rich S. into joining.