Saturday, January 10, 2009

Kitting Basket Ornament

Kitting Basket Ornament
Originally uploaded by

I received a gift from my sister today, and I just love it. Can't wait to show the S&B club on Tuesday. This was attached to a bag with goodies from Trader Joe's.
I've already hung it on my Tropical Tree, next to my fish & seahorses. Yes, my Tropical Tree is still up in my kitchen. I can't bear to take it down since it has been such a long hard winter in Chicago. At least, I can sit and think about a warmer climate.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Uncle Mike's Birthday Bears Blankie

Blanket for Uncle Mike's B-day
Originally uploaded by

The Blankie was finished in a nick of time for his Birthday. The changing of the colors was a pain, but I think it turned out well. At least he liked it.